Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Where were You March 28, 1979?

 Wednesday, March 28, 1979 is a day I'll never forget.


Janila said...

I was visiting friends in Los Angeles with my 5 year old daughter. We lived within the magical 5 mile radius of TMI and were unable to reach my husband to find out what was happening but fortunately, it turned out that he was just away for work. As it turned out, we actually knew what was happening before many York Countians did because the news bulletins were flashing on LA TV but not as quickly in York. When we came home two days later, we sent my daughter to the mountains with her grandparents and I stayed home to guard against the looting that was occuring due to so many empty homes.
Interestingly enough, my daughter developed diabetes when she was ten, as did about eight other children in the same grade as her in the Northeastern school district. At the time, we were told that the percentage of children to develop diabetes there was much higher in our area than anywhere else nationwide and although it was never able to be proved, TMI gets the blame for a lot of these occurances.

Idlemoon said...

I know I was in grade school home sick from school mad because they kept interrupting my cartoons.

blue delft said...

I was at grade school while someone else was playing "hooky". :)
We were called in from recess early and they congregated us into the library to explain the situation.