Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Ofrenda

As I was researching ideas for Halloween costumes online, I came across some inspiration from Martha Stewart from her last minute Halloween ideas department.  If there's one thing I am all about, it is last minute. 

Anyway, I got to thinking about potatoes and how they so nicely lend themselves to the shape of skulls.  And skulls are cool. Which led me to noticing how nicely yams lend themselves to making ghosts and celery kinda could look like a marigold and I had beets in my fridge anyway so I figured I'd throw them in as well.  So veggie carving I did.  Primitive but unique. 

So then I needed a box or container to put all of them in. I began looking into the Day of the Dead celebration and learned that according to Wikipedia, "Tradition that is connected with the holiday include building private altars called ofrendas honoring the deceased using sugar skullsmarigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed." One thought led to another and before I knew it I had fashioned a makeshift ofrenda with carved root vegetables - patata, batata, apio, and remolacha.

I made the series available at the Dia de los Muertos event with very limited availability - after all the carving medium was perishable!  I did have a logbook but it was possibly overlooked.

Thanks to everyone for the nice and supportive feedback.  I'm glad you enjoyed something a little different.  I had fun putting it together!

P. S. Yes, I do realize that celery is not exactly a root vegetable, but who really cares? Que sera sera.

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