Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hitch Hiker Heyday

Before heading out to find the raccoon, the Caped Coder and I got to chatting about hitch hikers and how each of us was carrying several, which is unusual.  I know I'll be heading to the Cape over Easter so I'm holding onto a few to drop off there.  Anyway, we decided to check out what each other had and ended up swapping a few.  I think hitch hikers are super fun - such a great treat when you find one. We are pleased to say that currently the following hitch hikers are being well looked after for now.  Pretty soon they will all be dropped off at destinations unknown.  State Abbreviation: PA, State Abbreviation: NJ, Felix the Cat, Looking for Adventure, Two for the Road, HG2, and Dos, which picked up a super duper fun and creepy STD known as Genital Warts.  Perhaps one of these gems will show up in one of your finds soon!

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